Our current plan moving forward:
After listening to our Governor’s speech, and then a phone conversation with our County Judge, we can begin to gather for worship on Sundays starting 5/4/20, if done safely, guidance offered by the Conference:
. If individuals or someone in their household is sick, the household is to stay home and can continue to watch or listen to the worship service. If you are having trouble watching or listening please let us know. We plan to continue to invite people to join us for worship remotely through Facebook (March 2020 – at least December) and Zoom audio (telephone only) for the months of March – May 2020.
. People who are vulnerable due to health conditions, they should stay home and can continue to watch or listen to the worship service. If you are having trouble watching or listening please let us know. We plan to continue to invite people to join us for worship remotely through Facebook.
. There is hand sanitizer available at the entry doors to use.
. We are to have 2 spaces between households, sit every other row, and have people spread out in the worship space.
– Wesley Center: the in-between rows of chairs have been removed.
– Sanctuary: every other pew is roped off. The choir members will have 2 empty chairs in-between each person.
. We are not to hug or shake hands at this time, so we will continue to smile and wave.
. We are not to pass the offering plate at this time, so the offering plate has been placed in a stationary location, for worshipers to offer their gift to God as they pass by.
. Holy Communion can be served. Not by common cup, intinction, or server’s hands making contact with the worshipers.
– Worshipers will be asked to extend their palm flat so I can place a piece of bread on it without contact. We will use the little disposable communion cups in both services. There are little trash cans to place the used cups in when finished.
– Those staying home who would like to receive Holy Communion, please contact the church office and we will schedule a time for Holy Communion elements to be delivered to your front porch when your home.
. At this time, there is container of Clorox wipes in each bathroom for you to wipe down the things you touch after use.
. Nursery is planned to resume Summer 2020.
. Sunday School is planned to resume in Summer 2020. Same principles apply:
– If individuals or someone in their household is sick, the household is to stay home.
– We are to have 2 spaces or empty chairs between households.
– We are not to hug or shake hands at this time, so we will continue to smile and wave.
– If you would like help using technology, to meet remotely, please let us know, there are options.
. Soul Food will be serving food on 1st Thursdays at 11:30am in take-out format only (May 2020 – until further notice). RSVP to the office, to help the cooks with a food count by the Monday before.
. Choir to resume in 2021.
. Chimes to resume in 2021.
. Grace & Peace parade will move to gathering on 1st Sunday of the month at 1pm (May 2020 – December 2020, [March – April 2020 was weekly]).
. If I have missed listing something, please ask. Please continue to pray and check on your family, friends, neighbors. Let us know how we can be the church, if you want to volunteer please let us know. Thank you for all you do for Christ!
Pastor Kelli