Sunday Worship drawing people closer to God:
10:00 am Traditional Worship – Sanctuary
(music led by Choir, piano / organ)
Nursery available – Education Building
Sunday School classes for ALL ages:
Children & Youth Sunday School classes will take Summer break .
Adult Sunday School Class: Meets in the Moon Building at 9:00 am led by Terry Smith
Training (including background check) is for all those who volunteer or work with children or youth (Sunday School teachers & assistants, Youth Ministry leaders & assistants, helping with MYF or Youth Mid-Winter Retreat, Vacation Bible School, Little Church School teachers, Youth Summer Camp, or other children or youth events). Training lasts for 2 years. The whole process can now be completed online. If you have questions, contact Pastor Jacob.
Please follow the 3 steps outlined at and notify the church office.
Thank you for loving children, youth, and God!