
 Welcome!  We look forward to worshiping with and serving alongside you!

Prayer requests

Join us this Sunday for worship .

If you can’t be here in person we will livestream both services on our Facebook page.

Now hiring details here.

First United Methodist Church
216 W. Main St. / PO Box 790,  Edna TX 77957
(Main St. & Allen St.)

Worship times:
10am Traditional -Sanctuary,
Facebook for more info here

Sunday School: for all ages, for more details see the Sunday School page .


Worship & Sunday School

Sunday Worship drawing people closer to God:

10:00 am Traditional Worship – Sanctuary


(music led by Choir,  piano / organ)

Nursery available – Education Building


Sunday School classes for ALL ages:

Children & Youth Sunday School classes will take Summer break .

Adult Sunday School Class: Meets in the Moon Building at 9:00 am led by Terry Smith

Training (including background check) is for all those who volunteer or work with children or youth (Sunday School teachers & assistants, Youth Ministry leaders & assistants, helping with MYF or Youth Mid-Winter Retreat, Vacation Bible School, Little Church School teachers, Youth Summer Camp, or other children or youth events).  Training lasts for 2 years.  The whole process can now be completed online.  If you have questions, contact Pastor Jacob.

Please follow the 3 steps outlined at www.riotexas.org/safesteps and notify the church office.

Thank you for loving children, youth, and God!


Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

Love God & Love Neighbor

Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.
~ (attributed to John Wesley)

FUMC Edna Brochure 2023–05

For more of our Distinctive Wesleyan Heritage: http://www.umc.org/what-we-believe/our-wesleyan-heritage



Check out Calendar on the Calendar page under the Happenings tab.

Read our current Newsletter on the Newsletter page under the Happenings tab.

Check our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/fumcedna/  .


Bible Study with Pastor Jacob

We will begin a new study for this fall soon.

We hope you will join Pastor Jacob for this wonderful opportunity to have conversation and dig deeper into scripture.

Mid-Week Ministries:


Safe Gathering background check & trainings: 

All 3 steps can now be completed online, https://riotexas.org/safesteps.  If you have questions, ask Pastor Jacob. 

Crossroads Emmaus Walks, gatherings, and other info at www.cremmaus.org